Weeding, Watering, Watermelon and ... Compost Tea!
Stormy skies couldn't stop the enthusiasm of our gardeners for our last garden club of the school year! As the rain gave us a 'free pass' on watering, we spent most of our time tending to our gardens. Some weeding and a lot of sampling of lettuce and spinach was had by all.
Grandma "Dawn" educated our gardeners about the importance of food for plants and introduced 'compost tea' to the group. A little smelly (Ok, a lot!), compost tea is brewed from compost material and water for a few days then strained off to make a nutrient rich solution to naturally fertilize plants. The making of compost tea process pulls the compost matter micro-nutrients and trace minerals making it readily available for the plants. The students were so excited to give their growing plants a 'drink of tea'!
We finished off our time and this school year's garden club with tasty watermelon for everyone! Thanks to a group of dedicated volunteers, Ms. Beth and Ms. Amber who lead Garden Club this year and all the eager young gardeners, it was another successful garden club at Kidston.
Although we will say goodbye to our garden friends for the summer, there is a Kidston Summer Watering Partnership Program again this year. For those who may be interested in volunteering to help our Kidston gardens continue to grow and flourish this summer for the anticipated Fall Harvest, please sign-up at www.kidstongarden.com - Our Programs - Summer Watering Program or directly to Kidston Summer Partnership Watering Program Sign-Up.
Have a great summer!